Monday, January 30, 2012

mountain sunsets

  Just got back in from an impromptu evening "wilderness workout". I had today off and in my head I had plans to go snowboarding again today.  You see I had my first snowboard lesson on Saturday afternoon and spent the next 3 hours enjoying the heck out of the beginner friendly snow up at Bear Valley Ski Resort, "The Friendliest Mountain in the West". You can tell where I work.  I attempted snowboarding back in its toddler years, sometime around 1995 or 96, again it was up here at BV, the friendliest mountain in the west.
In the intervening 17 or so years I have mostly cross country skied, snowshoed, or over the past 5 winters, alpine skied (downhill, fixed heel skiing)
  I found I was unafraid of the downhill nature of snowboarding and picked it up fairly fast. Cub hill is truly a beginner hill but I found I was able to maneuver and make my way down or across the slope at will. I feel I am ready for a more intermediate hill. I was hoping to tackle some of the medium back side hills today. But instead I stayed home and found myself attempting to complete chores around the house I have been neglecting these past couple weeks. Since Nancy has not visited and my skier friends had to cancel and rain check, I have made no serious attempt to dust, vacuum or clean up around the house in a while.  I would get to it all today. Well I got to most of it all today, at least the downstairs part. Laundry is washed, dried, folded and in the right room. Dishwasher is clean, rugs are vacuumed, trash is deposited at recycle center, groceries are bought and put away, and dinner is slow cooking. I found I had an hour or so until sunset, what to do?
  I could either sit in my favorite chair with the fading sun on my back and read more about Greg Mortenson in Three Cups of Tea, or I could head out the door and get in a 45 minute wilderness workout. I chose to sit in my chair, but only for one chapter. Then I headed upstairs to change into workout clothes and headed right out the door and up the hill for my "as difficult as you want to make it" workout. This time I left my timing devices inside. Usually I take either a watch with a forty five second countdown timer pre set, or my Iphone with its Tabata Timer app and do preset intervals. This time I was going to do as many reps at each station as I could do properly, before running off to the next challenge.
  Let me explain some of the "challenges"I have for my workout. I have about a 20 foot knotted ropeswing waiting to be clumb(climbed?), there is a 100 lb tractor tire to be flipped over 20 -25 times before running out of flat surface, there's an uneven pushup station, there's a heavy rope station, a triceps dip station, numerous rocks to lunge on or jump up on, and a flat tree fort perfectly placed for ab crunches. All these stations placed up and down around my house within easy running distance from each other.
Doing these exercises between running up and down the hill on trails makes for a great workout. But doing them first thing in the morning or just before sunset (My Favorite) has an added bonus. Most of these stations are set at a location where you can see for miles around. Let me tell you doing triceps dips, watching the sun lift the sleepiness from the skies or watching the sun set beyond Mount Diablo over 80 miles away, you sort of forget to count and just watch. Climbing the rope and being able to see over the roof toward Cougar Rock and the valley beyond makes you want to hang in there a little longer.
  I think sunsets are Gods way of telling you "Thanks for doing such a good job today. Whether it was the good day at work, or the good run your just coming back from, or the good workout your enjoying at the end of a good weekend, here is a special reward for doing good"
I say Thank You God it was worth it.

Thursday, January 12, 2012

thinking of running to work

Thinking of running to work...

  My work at Bear Valley has been great!  I really enjoy going to work every day. There are so many amazing, happy, smiling faces there every day. Now if only the customers (skiers/ Snowboarders) would start to show up. I guess that means the snow would have to make an appearance and that means el nina would have to make a disappearance. But for now things are fine and dandy in the Lodge Maintenance department. 
  Some of the changes to our department have been reduced manpower during busy days, as there have not been too many busy days so far this year. According to history the weeks before Christmas, between Christmas and New Years and the week following New Years are the busiest of the season for a ski resort.  That is due to kids being out of school for winter break and college kids being between semesters. Families tend to head to the snow country to enjoy a white Christmas if they have the means.  This year the means wasn't there. There hasn't been any snow falling in California since before Thanksgiving.  At Bear Valley there were a few lifts operating to service 4 or 5 man made snow covered slopes. The reduced customer base caused a reduced service need. Therefore changes had to be made.
  One of the benefits of reduced manpower during busy days meant I was able to use the "non busy" days to complete some long unfinished projects. I have cut lumber for and assembled 15 new picnic tables for the Bear Bungalow, I have remodeled the Special Events shack, I have remodeled the MAS events office and done a fair amount of fixing and repairing other items around the 40 plus year old facility. Unfortunately this has left my co workers holding the fort for other customer service related calls during the day. These are service calls to help a customer unlock her day use locker, helping a season pass holder build a shelf in their season locker, emptying trash bins as they fill toward overflowing, mopping up spilled lunch from in front of a missed trash can, checking on the level of the septic holding tank. You know everyday issues at a bustling day use ski resort.
  This past week another 'cut' has been made to most all Bear Valley employees. Hours are being reduced due to services being cut due to even more customers being absent. Our 4 / 10 work week has been changed to a 5 / 8 work week, leaving the temporary staff off the schedule. This has been a sort of blessing for me as I am getting home around 4:00 rather than at 5:30. Hence I am able to get in a run or bike ride in the evening before or during sunset. I love it!
 Tonight's run was a shortish out and back, about 4 miles. Mostly hills. In fact every run, ride or hike around here is 'mostly hills' as I live on the top of a hill and can see nothing but hills around me (I can see the sunset between hills, occasionally). But tonight's hilly sunset run had another benefit to me this time. I had a brainstorm. What if, for my birthday, I ran to work. My birthday is in May. That gives me 4 months to get in shape for this event. It also gives me enough time to encourage some other people (OK, friends) to join me in this most of a day long enterprise.  You see it is about 35 road miles from my house to work. It is longer by the dirt roads and trails I hope to traverse.  I am hoping it is less than 50 but I will cover them all regardless.
My thought was to make an early morning start, down in Hathaway Pines around 5:00 am and run the majority of the Arnold Rim Trail that I have been a part of building. That throws on an additional 8 miles or so, but in the overall scheme, so what. It's good advertising. I can get some of my ART buddies to join me maybe.  I know some of them hike and mt bike. Maybe they can join me for my breakfast aid station, somewhere around White Pines Lake. Say at 9 or 10:00 in the morning. Think you can make it? I think I can find other friends to join me for parts of the next 25 + miles up to Cabbage Patch. Then it's a mere 10 - 15 miles of Bear Trap Basin trail until Bear Valley Resort is in sight. No Problem. 
Of course anyone that doesn't care to join me running, or should I say shuffling up these dirt roads and trails, may chose to leave later and ride their mt bike up this same route, or leave even later and take the speedier route of pedaling up Highway 4, or leave at the same time as I leave and enjoy the scenery and stop and wait for me at predetermined stopping points to provide me with water and fuel. (Being my 'crew' was in our wedding vows don't ya know. )
I don't know, it sounded SO  doable when I was running earlier. I know it can be done. Maybe just not by me, not this year. BUT WAIT. Why not me. Why not this year. I'm not running Copper Canyon Ultra this year, I'm not racing in Leadville this year, I am going to run Bear Valley Ultra and maybe get a few other people to join me. Who knows, there might even be a tee shirt involved.

Think you want to join me? You Can Do It!! or part of it. Come on!
